Welcome to the Beaumont Police Officers Association (B.P.O.A) website!! We hope that this website will give each of our members an opportunity to become more actively involved in THEIR union!! As with anything new, we are certain that there will be things that will be added or deleted as the needs arise so please be patient and check back often.
If you are a guest, on behalf of all members of the BPOA...WELCOME!! Please feel free to sign our Guest Book.
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Updated: Dec. 20 (22:02)
Senate Advances H.R. 82 – Action Needed - Cloture Invoked on Social Security Fairness Act! Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP D.C. RALLY FOR THE SOCIAL SECURITY FAIRNESS ACT Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP No General Membership Meeting This Month Saint Louis Police Officers Association HR 82 ADDITIONAL ACTION REQUIRED Le-Hampton Lodge 35 FOP Social Security Fairness Act Saint Louis Police Officers Association PCDS Guild Congratulates and Welcomes Sheriff Keith Swank Pierce County Deputy Sheriff's Independent Guild -
FREE CLEAT SERVICE-- Did you know you can get your Will done for free??!! Your association dues, through CLEAT, offer you the ability to have a Will for you and your spouse, prepared for free. You also won't have to worry about probate since they will also handle that task as well. This is something most don't think about until some catastrophic event takes place. Unfortunately that is when it is too late. The process of dealing with probate alone is a time consuming issue and something your loved one doesn't need to worry about if you can do it for them. Go to www.cleat.org and get it done today. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the questionaire.
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