Nov. Bmt POA CAPP Devotional
Romans 13:1-3 says:
All of you must obey those who rule over you. There are no authorities except the ones God has chosen. Those who now rule have been chosen by God. 2 So whoever opposes the authorities opposes leaders whom God has appointed. Those who do that will be judged. 3 If you do what is right, you won’t need to be afraid of your rulers. But watch out if you do what is wrong! You don’t want to be afraid of those in authority, do you? Then do what is right, and you will be praised.
This verse has been on my mind a LOT in the last few days. It is one I always think of when I think of law enforcement mainly because it was the first verse I used when talking to the DPS when I was a chaplain with them. Now as a chaplain with the BPD I still think of it almost every time I see an officer. Because it says you are placed where you are BY GOD! That carries a lot of weight.
The election earlier this week is just the same. Some of the people I voted for won, some lost but either way I am compelled to work under their authority for the time they are in office. I have seen on the news, Facebook and Twitter in the last few days’ lots of civil unrest due to the results of the election. This worries me in the fact that these people, even though they are not happy with the election, are not understanding the peaceful transition of government we go through every 4 or 8 years. That is part of who we are, having an election, one side wins, one side loses but then the peaceful transfer of power, then moving on TOGETHER.
I pray for those people that their eyes would be opened to just how our government works and that they could understand that it is the best way in the world for people to be governed, no matter the flaws. There is no other form of government I would rather live under, if there were, I’d move to that country. If I don’t like how the election went, I have a chance to work for change and to see it come about in the next election.
Now as we come up to this holiday season, working shifts, meeting all kinds of people, some angry, upset, drunk or drugged, ready for battle, possibly the victim of a crime, maybe they just witnessed something horrible, you know, you see these things every day. Remember that we, the chaplains of the BPD, think about you, pray for you, and stand up for you as much as we are given opportunity. We care. Our hearts are to help you as much as possible. We serve those who serve.
Be blessed today and every day knowing the Lord above cares, and so do we!
Susan Detweiler
CAPP Chaplain
409-600-0400 cell
409-434-4224 home