June 2018 Bmt. POA CAPP Devotional
James 2:20; “Faith without works is dead.” Faith is creative. Faith is innovative. Faith is inventive. It is full of inventions. Faith makes things happen. Faith makes a way. It is easy to mumble, grumble, and complain. It is easy to bad-mouth or poor-mouth. But where are the people of faith that will take action? Faith without works is dead! Faith without corresponding actions is dead. Faith does more than talk about the problem. Faith solves the problem! Faith does more than talk about the mountain. Faith moves the mountain ( Matthew 17:20: “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it will move.” Nothing will be impossible for you. Fear, doubt, and unbelief produce more and more problems. Faith produces solutions! When you cannot make headway on the ground look up. Go to another level. Like an eagle, take to the skies. From that vantage point you will get a breakthrough. Be the eagle you were meant to be. Flap your wings! Take to the skies! Get on top of your situation! Look at it like God looks at it. That’s when you will get your breakthrough. Soar higher, higher, and higher! (Pastor Harmon C. Dent, Temple Of Praise Church Of God In Christ, 1575 Montrose Ave. BMT, TX 77707)